As a matter of principle, we want to retain as little information as possible about our users. In order to minimize friction and retain almost no personally identifying information, we have rolled out Sign in with Apple. When you use this we recommend you pick the ‘hide email’ option. This way, you have an account on our system but we do know anything about you other thans the fake email address Apple provides. This address forwards to your real email and still allows us to contact you if we ever need to.
Month: March 2024
Oscars post mortem

Thank you everyone who used the app to watch the Oscars last week. As expected the service ran without a hitch. Also, as expected, concurrent viewer numbers were not quite the Super Bowl but still more than we usually see. At its peak there were 37 concurrent viewers watching. I see this as more of an indicator of a wider user base from where we started.

The CDN continues to perform as expected. You can see we served the same amount of data (50gb) but the cache served another 130gb of data

Next stress tests and a new website
We have launched our website. While this blog will continue with engineering details, please use going forward when telling people about this service.
We have doubled our tester count to over 1000. There is very little concurrent use however, so we don’t have enough data to understand what the breaking point of this architecture is. There are a couple of major events coming up where I hope people use the app and help us gather data.
- Academy awards : Sunday March 10th on ABC
- NCAA March Madness: CBS starting March 17th and will broadcast all month.
As always, the app is free to use as much as you want. If you can, please consider donating. If you can’t donate, spreading the word or just using the app helps us improve the service.